Welcome to CSTFM 2024

We are pleased to extend our warmest greetings to everyone participating in the 2024 International Conference on Smart Transportation and Future Mobility (CSTFM 2024) which will be held in Hangzhou, China on October 18-20, 2024.

Organized by the Hangzhou Innovation Institute of Beihang University, co-organized by TongJi University and Shanghai Maritime University, CSTFM 2024 will be commenced by creating an amalgamated global platform where enthusiastic researchers, policymakers, stakeholders, and intellectual scholars get together for a common purpose of identifying the challenges and issues in Smart Transportation and Future Mobility and sustainable methods to solve the particular issues by their combined research findings.

CSTFM 2024 will bring all participants a unique experience of stimulating, informative presentations and enjoyable networking opportunities.

Organizing Committee

Publication | 出版信息

At least one author of a paper should register and present at the conference. All accepted and presented papers will be included in CSTFM 2024 Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 979-8-4007-1174-9) and published by ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, which will be send to be reviewed and indexed by major citation databases such as EI Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, Google Scholar ect.


Selected papers with significant extension will be recommended to publish in International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing(ISSN: 1745-6444), and submitted for review and indexing in Ei Compendex and Scopus. When submitting your paper, please indicate if you wish for your full paper to be recommended to journals indexed in SCI or EI-JA.

Selected papers with significant extension will be recommended to publish in following journals:

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1615-1488, IF: 3.9; indexed in SCIE, EI and Scopus)

Thin-Walled Structures (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q1; ISSN: 1879-3223, IF: 6.4; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

Nonlinear Dynamics (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1573-269X, IF: 5.6; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation (ISSN 2773-1537), and submitted for review and indexing in Scopus and DOAJ

China Railway Science (CN 11-2480/U) (ISSN 1001-4632)

International Journal of Transportation Science & Technology


Key Dates | 重要日期

Abstract Submission: September 6, 2024

Full Paper Submission: September 20, 2024

Author Notification: September 27, 2024

Registration: October 4, 2024

Camera-ready Submission: October 4, 2024

Main Conference: October 18-20, 2024

News | 会议新闻

Conference Notification is available from here. CSTFM会议通知.pdf ——June 25, 2024

We are honored to annouce that Prof. Ranka Sanjay(Fellow of the IEEE, AAAS and AAIA)from University of Florida will give a keynote speech!——Jan. 10, 2024

2024 International Conference on Smart Transportation and Future Mobility (CSTFM 2024) will be held in Hangzhou, China on October 18-20, 2024.——August 13, 2023

Welcome Prof. Changle Li from Xidian University to join the Organizing Committee as Program Chair! ——Feb. 13, 2023

Call for Papers | 征稿主题

Papers may address issues including, but not limited to the below:

Track 1: Smart Transportation

Track 2: Future Mobility

Submission | 投稿指南

Submission Method

Prospective authors are welcome to submit your research paper to CSTFM 2024 through the Online Submission System or send as attachments to mail@cstfm.org

Paper Template

Please download the full paper template here:  

Abstract Submission (Presenters): 


Full paper submission

1. The manuscript should be written in English including tables, figures, equations, and algorithms.

2. Only original papers will be considered. The manuscripts must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the review cycle.

3. The research topic of manuscripts should fall into the conference scopes( refer to the CFP), and it is presented with logic and complete structure, relevant information, significant results and etc.

4. The accepted paper limits is 5-14 pages including all figures, tables, references and appendices.

Abstract submission

1. The submitted abstract should contain a sufficient summary of the paper and outline of goals, results and conclusion, including conveying sufficient understanding when reading in isolation from the paper.

2. If your full paper is finished, you can submit your full paper to us directly, you don't need to submit an abstract first.

Organizer | 主办单位


Agenda | 日程

October 18: Committee Meeting

October 19: Keynote Session+Oral Session

October 20: Workshop

VENUE | 会议地点

Zhongfa Aviation Institute of Beihang University

Special Sessions | 专题分会

Date: October 19, 2024

(For more information, please click here)

Session Ⅰ- Intelligent Connected Traffic Behavior and Safety

Chair: Prof. Haijian Li, Beijing University of Technology, China

Chair: Prof. Quan Yuan, Tsinghua University, China

Session Ⅲ - New Generation Multi-mode Transportation System and 


Chair: Prof. Jiancheng Weng, Beijing University of Technology,  China

Session Ⅴ - Connected and Autonomous Three-dimensional Intelligent 

Transportation Systems

Chair: Prof. Xuting Duan, Beihang University, China


Session Ⅱ - Collaborative Perception and Intelligent Operation of Smart 


Chair: Prof. Jianqing Wu, Shandong University, China

Session Ⅳ - Low Altitude Intelligent Network and Three-dimensional 

Autonomous Transportation System

Chair: Prof. Jianshan Zhou, Beihang University,  China

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